Register for Adult Group Programs

Adult's Group Program EOI (last updated Aug 2023)
Please note that forms marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Adult Programs*
Seniors Programs
Future dates to be confirmed, but please select this box to register your interest and be informed when new dates are released.

Night Orientation and Mobility

Have you previously received an O&M assessment and training?
Are you able to complete two routes independently in daylight?
This course requires you to have had an O&M assessment and be able to complete two routes in the daylight. If you would like to take the course, but have not had assessment and/or training, please tick the box below. We will contact you shortly to arrange an assessment.

I would like to attend the course and arrange an O&M assessment and training

Contact Details

Address line 1
Address line 2
Suburb / Town
What source of funding is available?*
Please tick the box if you would like to receive email updates from us.
Privacy Collection Notice

EverAbility Group Ltd is collecting your personal information so we can respond to your enquiry. You can read more about how we deal with your personal information in our Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality Policy which you can access via the EverAbility website.