Have you ever thought about why people would want to work with us? We’ve just launched an Early Career Program for Allied Health workers. This initiative offers support and variety working with clients across all ages with the potential to travel across WA and Tasmania.
Emily is a recent graduate pursuing an occupational therapy career at VisAbility. She’s been explaining why she enjoys working here.
“I feel there is great energy at VisAbility. Additionally, the clients and therapists inspire me every day. I’m part of a team that cares about what they do and who are highly supportive of each other.”
Emily graduated from Curtin University (link opens in new window) and is an occupational therapist in VisAbility’s Children and Youth Services.

“I’m working with babies and children who have a sensory impairment, so that involves a lot of therapy through play.”
Since arriving at VisAbility eight months ago, Emily has already undertaken different professional development opportunities.
Professional training as a VisAbility occupational therapist
“The organisation is keen to offer upskilling to staff. I’ve attended a course about powered mobility seating and how to initiate successful play when a client is in a wheelchair.’’
Emily, VisAbility Occupational Therapist
I’ve discovered the importance of assistive technology for people with low vision. Who knew there was so much to help people in their everyday lives? I now have a better understanding of the way the NDIS works as well.’’
A mum herself with a toddler, Emily appreciates workplace flexibility and the autonomy this role offers. She has her own case load and manages her weekly schedule. Initially employed four days a week, upon her request, she is now full-time.
Emily never envisaged working with children, and while she feels fulfilled in her current role, she would consider switching across to adults in the future.
“I became an occupational therapist because I saw the assistance my Grandma, or Oma as she was known, received when she had a brain tumour.’’
“There are opportunities within VisAbility to cross over into adults and undertake placements in regional areas or Tasmania. Furthermore, it’s reassuring to know that there are plenty of opportunities to diversify.’’
Emily, VisAbility Occupational Therapist
Although our Early Career Program is now closed, please contact us as we are keen to hear from any: